On-Page SEO Tips and Tricks


In-short, On-page SEO is the SEO for each and individual post. On-page SEO is the useful to your web pages in order to rank higher in search engines. It tells search engines about what’s your content of page. Examples of on-page SEO is using Meta Description, Keywords in your contents and using images and etc.


Page loading speed is the main factor for SEO. If your site loads fast then visitors are happy to view your site again and again. But, if your site load slowly the visitors hated to view your site. Page loading speed doesn’t only affect SEO, It also affects your viewers experiences.

To improve page speed, start by checking your web page in Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool, GTMetrix and Pingdom.


Meta Title is the Headline of your post. Try to use targeted keyword in the Title and also use the H1 tag for Post Title. Always use catchy Title as Headline. If your blog viewers clicks your Post mostly then your on-page SEO for your post also increases.

Meta description is a summary of the page and appears as part of a search result snippet, below the page title. It helps people to understand your post content.


Use heading tags H2 and H3 for headings. These heading tags help organize your content for readerz and help search engines distinguish what part of your content is most important and relevant.


Always use a keyword throughout the entire post. Use your main keyword once in the first paragraph. Use the targeted keyword again and again in your post. It will increase your post SEO.


Using images, videos and diagrams will make easy understand of your content. So, your blog viewers will spend some time on your post, it will increase your page SEO.

On the other side, using images will help you to drive traffic from Google Image Searches. But for this images you need to use image alt text. But Large images will slow down your site, and having a slow loading site. You need to use a compressed images or use image compressing plugin.


SCHEMA is a Structured data. It help the search engine to understand more about your content. Schema is a microdata, when you search on search engines it will shows some extra content about your post, such as post author name, post published date, reviews, images, phone number, events and etc. For more info view scheme.org


Internal Links are URL that is point to your blog another posts, that means one or more post links within the post. Using Internal Links in your every post will increase your viewers site viewing time. It will automatically increase your page and site SEO. If your viewers spend more time on your page, your post will be rank top on Google.


External Links are URL that is point to another working domain or website or source. Inshort if you link out to another website that is called EXTERNAL LINKS. Ex. Google.com . In this example, google is a External Link.

If you link the valued content in related to your post, viewers also spend some time on that External Link also. Google algorithm will know that, that is schematically increase your on-page SEO. But, if you link to some unwanted content, illegal content, or copyrighted contented, then it will heavily affect your on-page SEO.


Use a shorter URL that consist of your targeted keyword. Using a keyword phrases in your post URL will increase the chance of search engines will get your content at first. If you use wordpress use a permalink link structure as Blogname.com/post-name/. Always use a URL in short to your content.


Write your content in your own-way. Don’t copy from other sites, it will heavily affect your on-page and site SEO. If your content is unique from other blog then your post will rank reasonably on search engines.

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